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Quad-Polar Binary Convergence Information
Year: 2021
Media: Marker on paper
Dimensions: 37.5 x 37.5 inches
Elapsed time: 254 hours
This piece consists of four sets of concentric semicircular arcs. Each arc has its origin at the midpoint of the boundary. Each set of arcs after the first four semicircles are hand-drawn. They expand from those origin points by layers. Eventually the layers of arcs merge into a single set of loops, and roughly "triangular sets of lines in the corners.
Price: $2700
This artwork is mounted in a custom made frame from Main Frame Gallery in Mt Pleasant, Mich. It is mounted on acid free board and covered by a pane of lightweight UV-blocking plexiglass.
This artwork was exhibited at ArtPrize 2021 at Palatte Coffee and Art in Grand Rapids, Mich.
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